Running tests

FreshRSS is tested with PHPUnit, PHPStan, PHP_CodeSniffer, and more. No code should be merged in edge if the tests don’t pass.


As a developer, you can run the test suite on your PC easily with make commands. You can run the test suite with:

cd ./FreshRSS/
make test-all

Some syntax, formatting, whitespace, and i18n conventions can be fixed automatically with:

make fix-all

Some tests can run inside some Docker images, in particular to test against minimum and maximum versions of PHP:

# Prepare
make composer-test
docker build --pull --tag freshrss/freshrss:oldest -f Docker/Dockerfile-Oldest .
docker build --pull --tag freshrss/freshrss:newest -f Docker/Dockerfile-Newest .

# Run
docker run --rm -e FRESHRSS_ENV=development -e TZ=UTC -v $(pwd):/var/www/FreshRSS freshrss/freshrss:oldest bin/composer test
docker run --rm -e FRESHRSS_ENV=development -e TZ=UTC -v $(pwd):/var/www/FreshRSS freshrss/freshrss:newest bin/composer test

GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration

Tests are automatically run when you open a pull request on GitHub. They are performed with GitHub Actions. This ensures your code will not introduce some kind of regression. We will not merge a PR if tests fail so we will ask you to fix any bugs before reviewing your code.

If you are interested, you can take a look at the configuration file.

Using feed snapshots

As feed data is volatile, it’s better to work with snapshots when debugging some issues. You can find the description to retrieve a snapshot here.

To serve those snapshots, you can use a mock server. Here we will demonstrate how to work with WireMock but other solutions exist. Here are the steps to start using the WireMock mock server:

  1. Go to the mock server home folder. If you do not have one, you need to create one.
  2. Inside the mock server home folder, create the __file and mappings folders.
  3. Copy or move your snapshots in the __file folder.
  4. Create the feed.json file in the mappings folder with the following content:
         "request": {
             "method": "GET",
             "urlPathPattern": "/.*"
         "response": {
             "status": 200,
             "bodyFileName": "",
             "transformers": ["response-template"],
             "headers": {
                 "Content-Type": "application/rss+xml"
  5. Launch the containerized server with the following command:
     # <PORT> is the port used on the host to communicate with the server
     # <NETWORK> is the name of the docker network used (by default, it’s freshrss-network)
     docker run -it --rm -p <PORT>:8080 --name wiremock --network <NETWORK> -v $PWD:/home/wiremock wiremock/wiremock:latest-alpine --local-response-templating
  6. You can access the <RSS> mock file directly:
    • from the host by sending a GET request to http://localhost:<PORT>/<RSS>,
    • from any container connected on the same network by sending a GET request to http://wiremock:8080/<RSS>.