Using Caddy as a Reverse Proxy

How to configure Caddy as a reverse proxy to serve FreshRSS through a subfolder or subdomain

Using Caddy as a Reverse Proxy with a Subfolder

To set up FreshRSS behind a reverse proxy with Caddy and using a subfolder, follow these steps:

  1. Configure Caddyfile:

    Update your Caddyfile with the following configuration: {
         redir /subfolder /subfolder/ # Just to redirect users that are missing the closing slash to the correct page
         handle_path /subfolder/* { # Actually configures the used subfolder (also internally strips the path prefix)
             reverse_proxy freshrss:80 { # Enables the reverse proxy for the configured program:port
                 header_up X-Forwarded-Prefix "/subfolder" # Sets the correct header for the login cookies

    Replace with your actual domain and the four instances of subfolder with the subfolder where you want FreshRSS to be hosted.

    NOTE: Ensure that the Docker container name for FreshRSS (freshrss in this example) matches the name used in the Caddyfile configuration.

  2. Update FreshRSS Configuration:

    Open the config.php file in your FreshRSS installation and update the base_url parameter to match the subfolder configuration:

     'base_url' => '',

    Replace with your actual domain and subfolder with the same subfolder name specified in the Caddyfile.

  3. Restart Caddy and FreshRSS:

    Restart Caddy to apply the configuration changes:

     docker compose restart caddy

    Restart FreshRSS to ensure that it recognizes the new base URL:

     docker compose restart freshrss
  4. Access FreshRSS:

    FreshRSS should now be accessible at

Using Caddy as a Reverse Proxy with a Subdomain

To set up FreshRSS behind a reverse proxy with Caddy and using a subdomain, follow these steps:

  1. Configure Caddyfile:

    Update your Caddyfile with the following configuration: { # The url Caddy should serve the proxy on
         reverse_proxy freshrss:80 # Enables the reverse proxy for the configured program:port

    Replace with your actual domain and subdomain with the subfolder where you want FreshRSS to be hosted.

    NOTE: Ensure that the Docker container name for FreshRSS (freshrss in this example) matches the name used in the Caddyfile configuration.
    NOTE: Make sure to set the DNS Records for your configured subdomain.

  2. Update FreshRSS Configuration:

    Open the config.php file in your FreshRSS installation and update the base_url parameter to match the subdomain configuration:

     'base_url' => '',

    Replace with your actual domain and subdomain with the same subdomain specified in the Caddyfile.

  3. Restart Caddy and FreshRSS:

    Restart Caddy to apply the configuration changes:

     docker compose restart caddy

    Restart FreshRSS to ensure that it recognizes the new base URL:

     docker compose restart freshrss
  4. Access FreshRSS:

    FreshRSS should now be accessible at